The innovative self-disinfectant antimicrobial nanocoatings generated by RELIANCE will clearly contribute to the following outcomes:
The specific scientific, economic/technological and societal impact of RELIANCE is as follows:
Scientific: A breakthrough innovation in material science and modelling, increasing the scientific multidomain knowledge, allowing for new design procedures to obtain antimicrobial nanocoatings with specific response and doses in accordance with the area of application.
Economic: Boost sustainable research, development and innovation in the EU on nanotechnologies including nanoparticles and nanocoatings. The developed high efficiency nanocoatings will have large economic potential in a wide range of sectors. An estimated market of 270 M€ is foreseen for 2025 only by 1% replacement with AM bioactives and AM coating new formulations an estimated market of.
Societal: A more resilient society ensuring the well-being of its citizens. Lower exposure to harmful chemicals and improved health of EU citizens.
Environmental: Reduced emissions of heavy metals and persistent chemicals in waste waters resulting in lesser toxicity and bioaccumulation.
Regulatory: Confirming Europe’s leading role in passing regulations that are subsequently adapted world-wide, opening opportunities to early adopter European businesses in antimicrobial additives and nanoparticles to export globally.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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