June 20, 2024

RELIANCE partners meet in Athens for their 7th management meeting

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Warm and sunny Greece welcomed RELIANCE consortium from 5 to 6 June to discuss project’s work progress, challenges and next tasks. The event hosted by the University of Patras marked the middle of the project and was held in a hybrid mode in the modern industrial setting of T16 Boutique Office in Athens.

SCALABILITY – the key word of the meeting

RELIANCE has entered its result prolific phase where most of the lab work on the synthesis of the mesoporous silica nanoparticles has been completed and we have started making steps towards scaling up, nanoparticle synthesis process optimization and functionalization of the nanoparticles with copper. The coming months will be challenging as for scaling up, the project researchers will study the behavior of different types of polymers in terms of their response to temperature and pH changes by a smart release of the loaded essential oils. The surface modification with antimicrobial peptides (AMP) from chicken feathers and upscaling activities are also expected to be exciting due to the variability in the results when it comes to bacteria and viruses. The optimization of the scaling up processes is led by the objectives of safety, sustainability, yield, cost and of course, the key objective – bioactivity.

The upscaling of coating formulation synthesis continues vigorously as well as the development of hybrid sol gel inorganic coating for glass or stainless-steel surfaces. First results with samples will soon be tested by Arcelik on home appliances, to include assessment of the aesthetic requirements which must be met along with a preserved repellency. Some samples of coating deposition by PU digital printing were brought by Centexbel who have already achieved the desired scaling up of the coating formulation preparation and move on with performing tests with antimicrobial additives.

Promising findings were shared by partners regarding the nanotoxicity and ecotoxicity studies performed on lung cells and with algae and microorganisms found in nature, respectively. We also briefly touched upon the forthcoming regulatory evaluation in the context of regulatory perspectives of the newly developed within RELIANCE biocidal additive and regulatory roadmap per sectors and application.

Lastly, the consortium made some serious steps towards finalizing the initial exploitation plan for RELIANCE results and dedicated energy in discussing follow on dissemination and synergy activities with sister projects.

The hard-working days were rewarded with an enlightening tour of the Acropolis Museum organized by our gracious host. For about two hours, we got lost in the lands of ancient Greece and Greek Gods, travelling through time, hearing lots of interesting myths and legends, and seeing some cool and preserved artefacts. We ended the experience with a social dinner, immersing into a gourmet culinary experience and lively talks, overlooking the magnificent Acropolis, sinking in the dim light of the sunset.  

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