Our partners, Prof. Dr. Rudy Koopmans, Director of the Plastics Innovation Competence Center, HEIA-FR, Roger Marti, Professor of Organic Chemistry & Process Chemistry, HEIA-FR, and team attended EMPACK exhibition last month. Part of their participation in the event included a presentation of RELIANCE and its goals, objectives, work activities and expected results to visitors and exhibitors.
“EMPACK – The Future of Packaging Technology” is the largest packaging exhibition in Switzerland, held on 25 – 26 January 2023 in Zurich, gathering more than 4500 national decision makers interested in innovative developments in the field of packaging processing machinery and packaging lines, including weighing, packaging, filling, labelling and even quality control equipment. More than 100
companies participated to exhibit their products and services, ranging from packaging materials, substrates and consumables designed to optimise protection, improve durability and reduce costs, weight and waste. The venue opens up opportunities for building connections with regional service-providers operating across the spectrum of packaging – design, development,
consulting, contract packaging, recycling, software and business services in the case of outsourcing requirements.
Get a glimpse into the atmosphere of the event in the photos below: